100% Blue Blocking Glasses

Block All Harmful Blue Light

Blue Light has been proven to be excessive through lamps for interior lighting to television screens, computers, digital tablets and smartphones. This excessive amount of blue light has been shown to cause lots of health issues

Research Shows Blue Light

  • "Suppress production of Melatonin'' -ChronoBiology
  • ​"Contribute to the causation of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity"- Harvard Health Publishing
  • ​"Cataract or macular degeneration"- PubMed



  • "I love my goodNight BlueBlockers!"

    "They are amazing, I love my goodNIGHT BlueBlockers! I wear them at work when I am at my computer for to long and they are cute enough to wear out if lights are to bright at night when I go out"– Mary M.

  • "Instantly feel relaxed and calm"

    "I work in front of two screens all day indoors and when I wear the goodNIGHT BlueBlockers I instantly feel relaxed and calm, I also use them during the day which work well!" – Royce D.

  • "They work really well and help me get the sleep I need"

    "My granddaughter bought me a pair of goodNIGHT BlueBlockers, since I go to bed with the TV on before bed, the glasses help me sleep better. They work really well and help me get the sleep." –Nikki S.